Sunday, January 9, 2011

Seek Perfection

You Are Talented And Gifted

Have you sought to ascertain the talents you've been given? Do you realize the great gifts you possess? What are you doing with the talents you have, that can bring satisfaction to your being? You were born into this world with unique gifts. Within you is a glimmer of the divine. Your light can make a more beautiful world.

Today, the light of many in the world lies dormant. It's been snuffed out by fears. Don't let your talents be silenced by prejudice, discipline, judgment, or lack of motivation. Don't undermine the light of these talents by hiding your abilities.

You deny self and others of many great experiences, when your capabilities are not displayed for their greatest worth. Your abilities are a part of who you are and you should affirm the love, esteem, and trust which you have within yourself. Display your light for the world to see.

Don't let others convince you of your inadequacies. Don't allow peers to sway you from using the talents you have. Don't be admonished or humbled to avoid showing off your skills.

Realize that there is a vast chasm between those who let their light shine and those who seek only to draw attention to themselves. Give of your light to the world. You become a whole individual when you can share the embodiment of your vast potential.

If you have kept your light hidden for so long that it has shrunk to an ember, start today to enlighten yourself and the world. It's not too late to ask yourself how you can utilize those abilities in your daily living. The gifts you were born with were not given to you arbitrarily.

God put you here for a purpose. Seek to know His will.

Seek to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference in someone's life. Know that when you embrace and share your talents with others, you will spread light to a darkened world. Godspeed...

--- By Bob Stoess --- Submitted by Brian G. Jett --- Kentucky

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